PUM Companion 1.8.1 Release!
Hello Companions!
We’re constantly working to keep you up to date with the latest news and features of PUM Companion. We've revived a little bit and created a new page on the website dedicated to the app!
You'll find a dedicated page for the app HERE, and in the future, updates about it, just as we do here on Discord
- PUM Companion Page: https://www.unfolding-machines.com/pum-companion/
- News will be here, including information about the PUM Monthly and updates to the app: https://www.unfolding-machines.com/pum-news/
Another update: We'll be restarting the newsletter for another channel of communication where you can catch up with us by E-Mail!. Make sure to subscribe on the website to stay in the loop!
We’re collecting positive feedback from our users to feature on our website. If you’d like to share your thoughts about PUM Companion app, please reach out, or openly share some good feedback in any of the app stores!
Now to the Release 1.8.1!
Text formatting with Mark Down, Rich Text Editors for Gamemaster, characters, and locations notes, and formula-based dice roller!
The goal? To be ready for the Monthly PUM Event, where we'll share on Discord a base game for PUM Companion where we all play on the same world during a month, and submit the games to share and tell around the Plot Unfolding Machine and its community.
- Dice roll formulas inline with command /r 2d6+2 or ;;2d6+2;;
- Markdown support in log area for simple text formatting
- Rich text editor in GM Notes, Characters, and Locations
- Bundle up to three oracles to roll them together
- PDF also supports markdown formatting from the game
- PDF export performance and compression rate massively improved
- Added a Go Back button to character journal to return to overview
- Advance plot track from log entry now keeps the original speaker
- Simplified characters and locations view and their creation steps
- Unconfirmed plot beats may be now rerolled for a different result
- Now possible to roll dice from the dice roller in an existing log
- Plot beat marker in PDF export has been refined
- Adopted wider game cards in the menu and more space for titles
- Ideas button in character sheets is now its own component
- Fixed an issue with adventure names and strange characters
- Fixed adding images to a message without changing its speaker
- Fixed various text fields behavior when it comes to autosave
- Entries can become plot beats after the last advancement (within section)
- Removed a wrong "Send to log" option during game setup
- Fixed a bug where gamemaster portrait images would disappear
Stay tuned!
Get PUM Companion: Solo RPG Storytelling App
PUM Companion: Solo RPG Storytelling App
Play TTRPGs by yourself to tell amazing stories with Plot Unfolding Machine in its official App!
Status | Released |
Author | JeansenVaars |
Genre | Role Playing |
Tags | journaling, Solo RPG, Tabletop role-playing game, writing |
Languages | German, English, Spanish; Castilian, Spanish; Latin America, Italian |
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